
I airbrushed and detailed my JJ Doll Lab Hecena head. I didn't prime it first and the paint went on really well. My inspiration is a pink iguana which are beautiful and I think it translated well. Also the eyes I got from Heart of a Fairy are a perfect fit. She just looks sort of menacing...sinister...I like it! The only thing I don't like is her horrible fitting head cap. I'm going to try to glue feathers to her head like the "hair" option in Skyrim and maybe it will hide the gap. lol all my inspiration together. I didn't go quite as rich as the game or wildlife inspiration because I wanted to match the impldoll body which was blushed very very pink by impldoll. I may at some point paint on some scales on her body to tie it all together. and last a picture next to Jaidah, my dark brown Aaliyah for comparison to the pinkness.