
 Rosalie is my SartoriaJ 45 Aphrodite Elf Luthien, Amber Beige, Bell bust. She arrived with Dominic on August 20, 2021.

She caught my eye with her super big elf ears, high cheek bones, and slightly parted lips. Also her body looks just amazing, so many soft curves. 

I purchased her in Amber Beige because I wanted to add even more diversity to the cabinet, and when I saw her in person I realized she really gave me a beautiful Latina woman vibes. I studied some photos on pintrest and tried to recreate the look in her faceup. I love her thick eyebrows and highlighted cheekbones.

Her hands are beautiful, her arms and wrists have lots of mobility. She stands very well. Oddly, the only pose she doesn't hold well is sitting; her hip joint has a catch that doesn't like to catch without effort to push them into place. She's a serious contender for favorite doll. Her curves definitely added a lot of diversity in body shape to the cabinet as well. 
