Urzoth, Jr.

 Urzoth Jr. is a Somnia Crawler Dolls Hoodlums Nara in green skin from the first preorder. She arrived July 20, 2020. Its hard to believe there was almost a two year gap between dolls, but she was the first of an absolute splurge of dolls to follow.

It's almost hard to say she isn't my favorite doll, she is almost perfect. Her beautiful faceup is custom just for me painted by Somnia Crawler and is even signed with my screen name on the cap. Her pink eyes are not what I would have originally choosen, but I have come to love them. They were also handmade by Somnia Crawler.

She has expressive and easily posed hands and arms that are magnetic and interchangeable with a few sets. She has super cute teeth. Her little round ears are perfect. Her body easily fits in many standard slim-msd clothes, (unlike my other fashion scale msd's). 

The only thing that stops her from being completely perfect is her knees. I can't, for the life of me, get her knees to work well. She is already hot glue sueded. I tried wiring her legs. She just constantly collapsing. So disappointing. 

But she photographs beautifully and is a perfect complement for all the elfs so I can't imagine ever selling her. She will just be more about sitting and drinking and eating and less about standing up.
