Dolly decisions - how to find Link

So I asked my husband if he was sad that there were no Castlevania characters represented in the doll cabinet. He said no, he would rather see a Link from Legend of Zelda. Sooo off I went in search of Link. I knew he couldn't be a 50+cm behemoth like an Iplehouse FID etc. He should probably be a short younger man maybe 45 or even 40 cm. I like Withdoll but I wonder if the head will look out of scale with the other dolls. I found a Withdoll Ian on the marketplace and hit buy! he has elf ears so I believe he is elf warrior Ian although he has a rough faceup by a previous owner and no clothes or accessories. Overall I feel he will work as long as he fits in with the group I plan to try my msd DSDoll dog head on the body, and if it fits well I may buy a DSDoll Ghost which I feel makes a good Link. Then!! I found out about IOS Unitot line and I found someone selling a Sezz! I'm kind of sad about buying the Withdoll, it looks like the Unitot line...