Construction continues on the Tavern

I worked more on my fantasy medieval tavern. I knew I needed another wall, since all my dolls together don't fit in the tavern. I decided a wall with a door would be interesting. I could use it as exterior wall and as an interior wall. With a door, I knew I needed hinges. I searched only for a few 3D printer files for hinges. One set looked perfect for my door, but it was a "print in place" type hinge that I knew at small scale would wind up nonfunctional. I also found a printable 3 piece hinge. So I printed each at about 33% scale. They came out very small but I was able to assemble the 3 piece hinge using a straight pin for the center. I then purposely busted the larger print in place hinge to glue to either side of the small hinge. I made the wall out of foam board and true to most my foam board projects, it began to warp. So I glued thick cardboard to the back. The door was a perfect fit and the hinges were working. Then I needed to make the wall freestanding and rea...